If You Rely On Email Marketing To Make Money Then Read On…

Uncover The Secrets To My Bulletproof $2000 Per Day Mailing System, Boost Your Email Engagement And Enhance Your Conversion Rates With Our Data Backed Proven Methods Of Deliverability

In Just 6 Weeks You’ll Unlock The Hidden Tactics That I Discovered Through 12 Months Of Pain-Staking Data Analysis And Over $100k In Testing
If You Rely On Email Marketing To Make Money Then Read On…

Uncover The Secrets To My $2000 Per Day Mailing System,

Boost Your Email Engagement And Enhance Your Conversion Rates

With Our Data Backed Proven Methods Of Deliverability

In Just 6 Weeks You’ll Unlock The Hidden Tactics That I Discovered Through 12 Months Of Pain-Staking Data Analysis And Over $100k In Testing

Being banned from your Email Service Provider SUCKS

We’ve all been there.
You wake up in the morning, get yourself a nice hot cup of coffee, and settle in to check how your most recent emails have done and that’s when you see those dreaded words…

“We Are No Longer Able To Work With Your Account”
All your recent campaigns, the audiences that you have built up, and the profits that you have been making are dead in an instant.

And what’s worse is 9 times out of 10 - you have no idea why you’ve been banned.

Everything has been taken away from you and you have to start from scratch all over again.

But here’s the thing…

It doesn’t matter if you try a different Autoresponder or a new email address - the result is still gonna be the same.

Because you’re going to be making the same mistakes.

And that’s not your fault, you simply just haven’t been shown the RIGHT way to do things.

That’s what I am going to be changing for you here today…

Being banned from your Email Service Provider SUCKS

We’ve all been there.
You wake up in the morning, get yourself a nice hot cup of coffee, and settle in to check how your most recent emails have done and that’s when you see those dreaded words…

“We Are No Longer Able To Work With Your Account”
All your recent campaigns, the audiences that you have built up, and the profits that you have been making are dead in an instant.

And what’s worse is 9 times out of 10 - you have no idea why you’ve been banned.

Everything has been taken away from you and you have to start from scratch all over again.

But here’s the thing…

It doesn’t matter if you try a different Autoresponder or a new email address - the result is still gonna be the same.

Because you’re going to be making the same mistakes.

And that’s not your fault, you simply just haven’t been shown the RIGHT way to do things.

That’s what I am going to be changing for you here today…

Hello There !

First, allow me to introduce myself. For Those Of You Who Don’t Know Who I Am 

My Name Is Jazdeep Singh  
one of the world's leading email marketers. 

Hello There !

First, allow me to introduce myself. For Those Of You Who Don’t Know Who I Am 

My Name Is Jazdeep Singh  
one of the world's leading email marketers. 

And I know that’s a big claim but I’m going to back it 
up  for you with a few little accolades I’ve picked up…
I have won several business awards (most recently the UK's most innovative entrepreneur of the year 2022) and tons of affiliate contests and leader boards.
I have won several business awards and tons of affiliate contests and leader boards.

Most Recently The UK's Most Innovative Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022

I’ve also had the pleasure of speaking at events aROUND tHE wORLD including GOA and ATLANTA 

And most importantly of all, I’ve helped hundreds, if not thousands of people get their first sales online, through my marketing advice and guidance.

In a moment, I’m going to be sharing with you how to solve your in-boxing problems and start landing in the primary tab.

Before that, I want to share my story with you of when I was banned from the commercial Autoresponders...

A Funny Old Year…

2020 was a strange year for a lot of people…

Fortunately, I was one of the lucky ones when it came to my business.

Where a lot of companies were struggling with sales and going under due to the state of the world, I was using solo ads and email marketing to turn a healthy, consistent profit.

That was until it all went wrong…

Just as we were coming into the holiday season (an incredibly profitable time for me normally) I got the email that we all dread - my accounts had been banned across all the commercial ESP's…
ActiveCampaign, Aweber, Klaviyo, etc.
There was no warning.
No reason.
And No solution.

Everything just stopped.

That meant that I had no clicks to my offers which meant there was zero chance of any profit coming my way.

It felt like my entire business and way of life had been snatched out from under me.

I was just left to plummet and suffer.

I was devastated.

My 2 Choices…

This left me with 2 choices.

Either I could accept defeat and walk away or I could stand up to do something about this that meant that I would NEVER have to suffer this loss again.

As you’re reading this, it’s probably pretty obvious which choice I went with!

Now, the first thing that I realized here was that email is changing…

The strategies that once worked were no longer sustainable.

Spam filters are getting smarter and inboxes are getting a lot more filtered

However, I am not a tech guy - I’m a Marketing Guy.

That meant the first thing I needed to do was find someone who could take a look behind the scenes at what was actually happening.

5,000 Clicks A Day

Using what we discovered through this process we have uncovered exactly what the email inboxes want to see.

We are never seen as spam.

We hit the primary inbox.
And we can send over 5,000 Clicks a day without EVER being banned.
When we tie that in with our email marketing strategies and practices that we know convert we are enjoying HUGE profits.

This means that I get to enjoy time with my family, focus on the projects that I want to work on, and live life on my terms because I know that I am financially secure with ZERO risk of any ESP's taking it all away from me again.

Now, let me ask you a question…
Do you want to know the secrets that we uncovered?
Would you like to be able to email thousands of leads every day, collect a huge profit and be secure in the knowledge that you have a permanent sustainable business?

You have the opportunity to do that right now…
And I know that’s a big claim but I’m going to back it 
up  for you with a few little accolades I’ve picked up…
I have won several business awards (most recently the UK's most innovative entrepreneur of the year 2022) and tons of affiliate contests and leader boards.
I have won several business awards and tons of affiliate contests and leader boards.

Most Recently The UK's Most Innovative Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022

I’ve also had the pleasure of speaking at events aROUND tHE wORLD including GOA and ATLANTA 

And most importantly of all, I’ve helped hundreds, if not thousands of people get their first sales online, through my marketing advice and guidance.

In a moment, I’m going to be sharing with you how to solve your in-boxing problems and start landing in the primary tab.

Before that, I want to share my story with you of when I was banned from the commercial Autoresponders...

A Funny Old Year…

2020 was a strange year for a lot of people…

Fortunately, I was one of the lucky ones when it came to my business.

Where a lot of companies were struggling with sales and going under due to the state of the world, I was using solo ads and email marketing to turn a healthy, consistent profit.

That was until it all went wrong…

Just as we were coming into the holiday season (an incredibly profitable time for me normally) I got the email that we all dread - my accounts had been banned across all the commercial ESP's…
ActiveCampaign, Aweber, Klaviyo, etc.
There was no warning.
No reason.
And No solution.

Everything just stopped.

That meant that I had no clicks to my offers which meant there was zero chance of any profit coming my way.

It felt like my entire business and way of life had been snatched out from under me.

I was just left to plummet and suffer.

I was devastated.

My 2 Choices…

This left me with 2 choices.

Either I could accept defeat and walk away or I could stand up to do something about this that meant that I would NEVER have to suffer this loss again.

As you’re reading this, it’s probably pretty obvious which choice I went with!

Now, the first thing that I realized here was that email is changing…

The strategies that once worked were no longer sustainable.

Spam filters are getting smarter and inboxes are getting a lot more filtered

However, I am not a tech guy - I’m a Marketing Guy.

That meant the first thing I needed to do was find someone who could take a look behind the scenes at what was actually happening.

5,000 Clicks A Day

Using what we discovered through this process we have uncovered exactly what the email inboxes want to see.

We are never seen as spam.

We hit the primary inbox.
And we can send over 5,000 Clicks a day without EVER being banned.
When we tie that in with our email marketing strategies and practices that we know convert we are enjoying HUGE profits.

This means that I get to enjoy time with my family, focus on the projects that I want to work on, and live life on my terms because I know that I am financially secure with ZERO risk of any ESP's taking it all away from me again.

Now, let me ask you a question…
Do you want to know the secrets that we uncovered?
Would you like to be able to email thousands of leads every day, collect a huge profit and be secure in the knowledge that you have a permanent sustainable business?

You have the opportunity to do that right now…
With This Email Marketing Master Class, I’m Going To Be Revealing To You All Of Our Email Marketing Deliverability Secrets AND Monetization Strategies.
When You Know How To Do This You Will Understand How To Be Un-Bannable On Commercial ESP's like Aweber & Getresponse, Boost Your Email Engagement, And Increase Your Conversion Rates.
This Is Your Chance To Unlock The Secret Of A Secure, Profitable, And Sustainable Email Marketing Business That Will NEVER Let You Down.
The Way We Do This Is Through A 6-Week Bootcamp With 5 Modules And Live Q And A Sessions.
With This Email Marketing Master Class, I’m Going To Be Revealing To You All Of Our Email Marketing Deliverability Secrets AND Monetization Strategies.
When You Know How To Do This You Will Understand How To Be Un-Bannable On Commercial ESP's like Aweber & Getresponse, Boost Your Email Engagement, And Increase Your Conversion Rates.
This Is Your Chance To Unlock The Secret Of A Secure, Profitable, And Sustainable Email Marketing Business That Will NEVER Let You Down.
The Way We Do This Is Through A 6-Week Bootcamp With 5 Modules And Live Q And A Sessions.

Here’s how it all breaks down…


Foundations Of Email Marketing

In Week 1 you’ll Build the Foundations of Unbannable, Sustainable, Profitable Email Marketing.

This first week will make sure that you are landing in the primary inbox, build up the “trust” of that inbox, and show Gmail and other email companies that you are someone that is meant to be there.

During This Week You Will:
  Set clear objectives for what your emails are trying to accomplish that will give you clarity and guidance
 Discover the secrets of email deliverability to arm yourself with the knowledge to hit the primary inbox
 Understand how to warm up your sender domain to be seen as a trusted, reliable source to your audiences' inbox
 Uncover the fundamentals of my 3 line mailing system that allows me to email 50,000 leads aggressively 
 And so much more! 


ESP’s & Automations

In Week 2, we are going to be sharing with you how to Automate your Process to FREE up your Time and make sure that you aren’t chained to your computer.

This will allow you to make a healthy profit AND give you the time to enjoy that success.

Through Week 2 You Will:
 Get a deep dive into the 3 line integration to understand how you can build this for yourself
 Uncover which ESP will be right for you and how to Utilize them the RIGHT way (Most people get this wrong!)
 See how to create email automations in a simple straight forward way that requires hardly any tech knowledge
 See how to create email automations in a simple straight forward way that requires hardly any tech knowledge 
 Plus a whole lot more!


Setting Up Your Tracking 

Once everything is set up for success and automated to begin bringing a profit in for you the next stage will be setting up your tracking software to make sure everything you are doing is moving in the right direction. 

In This Week You Will:
 Discover our strategies for what does and doesn’t matter
 Look at the tools that we use to track the important metrics
 Uncover how to easily implement those tools (even if you’re a technophobe like I am!)
 See what to do with the data that you receive  
 And so much more! 


Segmentation & List Hygiene 

During Week 4 we’ll start looking at Segmenting and Keeping your List Clean and Tidy.

When you are dealing with huge amounts of traffic you will inevitably collect dead leads.

These dead leads are wasted space and can damage your inbox’s reputation if you get spam reports. 

In a nutshell, we only want to be emailing the leads who want us to be emailing them

 In This Week You Will:
 Be introduced to segmentation and uncover how to automate the process
 Discover my ninja spam suppression method to keep your complaints at an all-time low
 Get my strategies of “cleaning your list” to keep engagement rates high
 See how to process and nurture your leads to educate them on how you can benefit them  
 And a whole lot more! 


Email Copy & Sending Structure

Through Week 5 you’ll be shown a simple method for Creating High-Converting Email Copy to send to your leads.

When you combine good quality Copy, with the right offers for your audience and send it to people who trust you that’s a winning mix to bring in sales.

Week 5 Will Show You:
 How to write eye-catching subject lines and pre-headers to get your emails opened
 What to write in the body of your emails to convert your leads into paying customers
 When you should be emailing your leads and how often to get the best results
 My swipe system to collecting high-quality emails that you can use to make your life easier
 And so much more!


Monitoring & Optimization

Once you have everything set up and working the next step is to Monitor the Results that you get and optimize the whole process to Maximize your Profits. 

During Week 6 You Will:
 Discover what you should be monitoring and what to ignore
 Be shown the tools that we use to monitor our data
 Uncover how to analyze the information you receive and how to use that knowledge
 Receive our strategies for optimizing your processes 
 And even more!

Plus You’ll Be Invited To That Weekly Q & A Sessions  For Any Questions You Have On Each Module

But wait - there’s more!
When you join my Email Marketing Masterclass you don’t just get access to the 6 weeks of modules and live Q & A coaching with me.

You also get access to a whole bunch of PHENOMENAL bonuses that will make your email marketing so much easier…

Custom Server Creation

For the absolute 100% safest option for sending your emails we’ll also be showing you how to set up your own custom server that you can add your most engaged leads to and mail them whenever you like.

When you use your own server, you’ll have more control over what you can send and more importantly YOU CAN’T GET BANNED!

It’s your server, you make the rules.

And don’t worry if you’re thinking this sounds complicated.

We’ll show you:
The safest place to get your server from
A step-by-step guide in how to set everything up
The way to “warm your server up” ready for your leads to increase deliverability
Simple but effective ways to maintain your server for the long term
And so much more! 

Am I As Good As I Say?

Now, I’m sure you are probably wondering right now if I can do all the things that I’ve just shared with you up there.

And I could tell you that I am.

However, it’s much better if you hear that from OTHER people that I’ve helped in the past.

Here’s how it all breaks down…


Foundations Of Email Marketing

In Week 1 you’ll Build the Foundations of Unbannable, Sustainable, Profitable Email Marketing.

This first week will make sure that you are landing in the primary inbox, build up the “trust” of that inbox, and show Gmail and other email companies that you are someone that is meant to be there.

During This Week You Will:
  Set clear objectives for what your emails are trying to accomplish that will give you clarity and guidance
 Discover the secrets of email deliverability to arm yourself with the knowledge to hit the primary inbox
 Understand how to warm up your sender domain to be seen as a trusted, reliable source to your audiences' inbox
 Uncover the fundamentals of my 3 line mailing system that allows me to email 50,000 leads aggressively 
 And so much more! 


ESP’s & Automations

In Week 2, we are going to be sharing with you how to Automate your Process to FREE up your Time and make sure that you aren’t chained to your computer.

This will allow you to make a healthy profit AND give you the time to enjoy that success.

Through Week 2 You Will:
 Get a deep dive into the 3 line integration to understand how you can build this for yourself
 Uncover which ESP will be right for you and how to Utilize them the RIGHT way (Most people get this wrong!)
 See how to create email automations in a simple straight forward way that requires hardly any tech knowledge
 See how to create email automations in a simple straight forward way that requires hardly any tech knowledge 
 Plus a whole lot more!


Setting Up Your Tracking 

Once everything is set up for success and automated to begin bringing a profit in for you the next stage will be setting up your tracking software to make sure everything you are doing is moving in the right direction. 

In This Week You Will:
 Discover our strategies for what does and doesn’t matter
 Look at the tools that we use to track the important metrics
 Uncover how to easily implement those tools (even if you’re a technophobe like I am!)
 See what to do with the data that you receive  
 And so much more! 


Segmentation & List Hygiene 

During Week 4 we’ll start looking at Segmenting and Keeping your List Clean and Tidy.

When you are dealing with huge amounts of traffic you will inevitably collect dead leads.

These dead leads are wasted space and can damage your inbox’s reputation if you get spam reports. 

In a nutshell, we only want to be emailing the leads who want us to be emailing them

 In This Week You Will:
 Be introduced to segmentation and uncover how to automate the process
 Discover my ninja spam suppression method to keep your complaints at an all-time low
 Get my strategies of “cleaning your list” to keep engagement rates high
 See how to process and nurture your leads to educate them on how you can benefit them  
 And a whole lot more! 


Email Copy & Sending Structure

Through Week 5 you’ll be shown a simple method for Creating High-Converting Email Copy to send to your leads.

When you combine good quality Copy, with the right offers for your audience and send it to people who trust you that’s a winning mix to bring in sales.

Week 5 Will Show You:
 How to write eye-catching subject lines and pre-headers to get your emails opened
 What to write in the body of your emails to convert your leads into paying customers
 When you should be emailing your leads and how often to get the best results
 My swipe system to collecting high-quality emails that you can use to make your life easier
 And so much more!


Monitoring & Optimization

Once you have everything set up and working the next step is to Monitor the Results that you get and optimize the whole process to Maximize your Profits. 

During Week 6 You Will:
 Discover what you should be monitoring and what to ignore
 Be shown the tools that we use to monitor our data
 Uncover how to analyze the information you receive and how to use that knowledge
 Receive our strategies for optimizing your processes 
 And even more!

Plus You’ll Be Invited To That Weekly Q & A Sessions  For Any Questions You Have On Each Module

But wait - there’s more!
When you join my Email Marketing Masterclass you don’t just get access to the 6 weeks of modules and live Q & A coaching with me.

You also get access to a whole bunch of PHENOMENAL bonuses that will make your email marketing so much easier…

Custom Server Creation

For the absolute 100% safest option for sending your emails we’ll also be showing you how to set up your own custom server that you can add your most engaged leads to and mail them whenever you like.

When you use your own server, you’ll have more control over what you can send and more importantly YOU CAN’T GET BANNED!

It’s your server, you make the rules.

And don’t worry if you’re thinking this sounds complicated.

We’ll show you:
The safest place to get your server from
A step-by-step guide in how to set everything up
The way to “warm your server up” ready for your leads to increase deliverability
Simple but effective ways to maintain your server for the long term
And so much more! 

Am I As Good As I Say?

Now, I’m sure you are probably wondering right now if I can do all the things that I’ve just shared with you up there.

And I could tell you that I am.

However, it’s much better if you hear that from OTHER people that I’ve helped in the past.

Here’s how it all breaks down…


Foundations Of Email Marketing

In Week 1 you’ll Build the Foundations of Unbannable, Sustainable, Profitable Email Marketing.

This first week will make sure that you are landing in the primary inbox, build up the “trust” of that inbox, and show Gmail and other email companies that you are someone that is meant to be there.

During This Week You Will:
  Set clear objectives for what your emails are trying to accomplish that will give you clarity and guidance
 Discover the secrets of email deliverability to arm yourself with the knowledge to hit the primary inbox
 Understand how to warm up your sender domain to be seen as a trusted, reliable source to your audiences' inbox
 Uncover the fundamentals of my 3 line mailing system that allows me to email 50,000 leads aggressively 
 And so much more! 


ESP’s & Automations

In Week 2, we are going to be sharing with you how to Automate your Process to FREE up your Time and make sure that you aren’t chained to your computer.

This will allow you to make a healthy profit AND give you the time to enjoy that success.

Through Week 2 You Will:
 Get a deep dive into the 3 line integration to understand how you can build this for yourself
 Uncover which ESP will be right for you and how to Utilize them the RIGHT way (Most people get this wrong!)
 See how to create email automations in a simple straight forward way that requires hardly any tech knowledge
 See how to create email automations in a simple straight forward way that requires hardly any tech knowledge 
 Plus a whole lot more!


Setting Up Your Tracking 

Once everything is set up for success and automated to begin bringing a profit in for you the next stage will be setting up your tracking software to make sure everything you are doing is moving in the right direction. 

In This Week You Will:
 Discover our strategies for what does and doesn’t matter
 Look at the tools that we use to track the important metrics
 Uncover how to easily implement those tools (even if you’re a technophobe like I am!)
 See what to do with the data that you receive  
 And so much more! 


Segmentation & List Hygiene 

During Week 4 we’ll start looking at Segmenting and Keeping your List Clean and Tidy.

When you are dealing with huge amounts of traffic you will inevitably collect dead leads.

These dead leads are wasted space and can damage your inbox’s reputation if you get spam reports. 

In a nutshell, we only want to be emailing the leads who want us to be emailing them

 In This Week You Will:
 Be introduced to segmentation and uncover how to automate the process
 Discover my ninja spam suppression method to keep your complaints at an all-time low
 Get my strategies of “cleaning your list” to keep engagement rates high
 See how to process and nurture your leads to educate them on how you can benefit them  
 And a whole lot more! 


Email Copy & Sending Structure

Through Week 5 you’ll be shown a simple method for Creating High-Converting Email Copy to send to your leads.

When you combine good quality Copy, with the right offers for your audience and send it to people who trust you that’s a winning mix to bring in sales.

Week 5 Will Show You:
 How to write eye-catching subject lines and pre-headers to get your emails opened
 What to write in the body of your emails to convert your leads into paying customers
 When you should be emailing your leads and how often to get the best results
 My swipe system to collecting high-quality emails that you can use to make your life easier
 And so much more!


Monitoring & Optimization

Once you have everything set up and working the next step is to Monitor the Results that you get and optimize the whole process to Maximize your Profits. 

During Week 6 You Will:
 Discover what you should be monitoring and what to ignore
 Be shown the tools that we use to monitor our data
 Uncover how to analyze the information you receive and how to use that knowledge
 Receive our strategies for optimizing your processes 
 And even more!

Plus You’ll Be Invited To That Weekly Q & A Sessions  For Any Questions You Have On Each Module

But wait - there’s more!
When you join my Email Marketing Masterclass you don’t just get access to the 6 weeks of modules and live Q & A coaching with me.

You also get access to a whole bunch of PHENOMENAL bonuses that will make your email marketing so much easier…

Custom Server Creation

For the absolute 100% safest option for sending your emails we’ll also be showing you how to set up your own custom server that you can add your most engaged leads to and mail them whenever you like.

When you use your own server, you’ll have more control over what you can send and more importantly YOU CAN’T GET BANNED!

It’s your server, you make the rules.

And don’t worry if you’re thinking this sounds complicated.

We’ll show you:
The safest place to get your server from
A step-by-step guide in how to set everything up
The way to “warm your server up” ready for your leads to increase deliverability
Simple but effective ways to maintain your server for the long term
And so much more! 

Am I As Good As I Say?

Now, I’m sure you are probably wondering right now if I can do all the things that I’ve just shared with you up there.

And I could tell you that I am.

However, it’s much better if you hear that from OTHER people that I’ve helped in the past.

Success Stories

How This New Strategy Is Changing The Life Of Thousands Of Students 

Success Stories

How This New Strategy Is Changing The Life Of Thousands Of Students 

More Positive Results

How People Are Getting Overwhelming Positive Response By Applying These Strategies

More Positive Results

How People Are Getting Overwhelming Positive Response By Applying These Strategies

Tested And Proven Results

Each Of The Techniques Mentioned In The Training Have Been TRIED, TESTED and PROVEN
 Over and Over Again

Tested And Proven Results

Each Of The Techniques Mentioned In The Training Have Been TRIED, TESTED and PROVEN
 Over and Over Again

Regularly Top Global Company Leaderboards

Smashing JVZOO Contests And Leaderboards

Have Regular 5 Figure Weeks

Build Up Multiple Sources Of Income 

Numerous Warrior Plus Sales

Make Over $3,000 On One Network With Affiliate Marketing 

Able To Make $3200 Commissions Per Sale

Regularly Top Global Company Leaderboards

Smashing JVZOO Contests And Leaderboards

Have Regular 5 Figure Weeks

Build Up Multiple Sources Of Income 

Numerous Warrior Plus Sales

Make Over $3,000 On One Network With Affiliate Marketing 

Able To Make $3200 Commissions Per Sale

Stop Selling Me And Just Tell Me The HOW MUCH, Jazdeep!

Alright, I hear you…

After this launch period, my Email Marketing Masterclass Will be $2000.

The reason for this is that I wanted to make this enough of an investment that you took the information I share with you here seriously but not something that is going to break the bank at the level that you are at.

And when you consider the potential profit that you will have available to you when you discover how to be un-bannable on any ESP and my email marketing strategies then you can easily make your investment back.
Or you have the option to split that into
3 Monthly Payments Of $697.
That means if you are still seeing this, then you are still Eligible to get that Special Offer price.

These spaces will not be around for long though as I have already had a huge amount of interest in this program.

So, to make sure that you don’t miss your chance at the launch price then you need to click the button below.

You’ll be taken to my secure checkout page where all you need to do is enter your regular details.

Once your payment clears, you will receive immediate access to my Email Marketing Masterclass.

Stop Selling Me And Just Tell Me The HOW MUCH, Jazdeep!

Alright, I hear you…

After this launch period, my Email Marketing Masterclass Will be $2000.

The reason for this is that I wanted to make this enough of an investment that you took the information I share with you here seriously but not something that is going to break the bank at the level that you are at.

And when you consider the potential profit that you will have available to you when you discover how to be un-bannable on any ESP and my email marketing strategies then you can easily make your investment back.
Or you have the option to split that into
3 Monthly Payments Of $697.
That means if you are still seeing this, then you are still Eligible to get that Special Offer price.

These spaces will not be around for long though as I have already had a huge amount of interest in this program.

So, to make sure that you don’t miss your chance at the launch price then you need to click the button below.

You’ll be taken to my secure checkout page where all you need to do is enter your regular details.

Once your payment clears, you will receive immediate access to my Email Marketing Masterclass.

What If This Doesn’t Work For Me ?

Now, you’re probably wondering what happens if you go through all of the modules, take advantage of my coaching, and you still don’t see the results that you want.

Well, I’m going to make you a Promise Right Here.
If you implement everything that I show you in my Email Marketing Masterclass and you still don’t see an increase in your open rates, click-through rates, and inbox placement then I am more than happy to give you a full refund.

My goal here is to help you get results and I know the information that I’m sharing with you here will do that.

That’s why I’m so comfortable offering you a full refund if you don’t get results.

I know this will work for you.

But wait - there’s more!

When you join my Email Marketing Masterclass you don’t just get access to the 
6 weeks of modules and live Q & A coaching with me.

You Also Get Access To A Whole Bunch Of 


 that will make your email marketing so much easier…

Bonus #1

Access To My "Tech Wizard" 
($997 Value)

This guy is a total unicorn.

I had to hunt through hundreds of applicants before I could find a tech guy who was as incredible as this guy is.

He’s one of my ultimate secret weapons and I never normally let other people have access to him.

As a member of my Email Marketing Masterclass, you get access to him for free.

Keep in mind, if you were to hire him it would cost you thousands of dollars for a month of his work but as my student - he’s part of the package!

Bonus #2

My Top 100 Email Swipes 
($497 Value)

One of the most time-consuming parts of making an email marketing business work for you is writing emails.

I’ve taken that part of the process out of it for you by giving you access to my top 100 highest converting email swipes.

All you have to do is fill in the blanks, load it into your ESP, and blast it out to your audience.

Plus, these are proven to work with my traffic.

That means that you can be confident that these will be profitable for you.

Bonus #3

Free Premium Traffic 
($750 Value)

One of the biggest obstacles email marketers come up against is getting traffic to your offers.

I’ve taken care of that for you with this bonus…

For the First 10 People who join my email marketing masterclass,
you will get 500 FREE Clicks from the very best traffic in the business.

That is the equivalent of $750 going directly into your email marketing business.

By using the information in my Email Marketing Class and the free traffic I’m giving you here that is as good as saving yourself over half the investment of this program.

This is a no-brainer!

Bonus #4

Live Step-By-Step Set-Up Tutorial
($997 Value)

If this is something that you have never done before then this can seem like an incredibly daunting and overwhelming task.

As a student of my Email Marketing Masterclass, you will get access to step-by-step tutorials showing you exactly how to go through this process in real-time and show you how to tackle the obstacles you’ll face along the way.

The tutorials will show you exactly how we set up our bullet-proof emailing infrastructure so you can follow exactly what we do. 

This is your cheat code to avoid all the most common mistakes business owners make saving you hours and wasted capital. 

Bonus #5

Private Facebook Group & WhatsApp Access
($497 Value)

Finally, you won’t be facing any of this journey alone.

As a member of my Email Marketing Masterclass, you will get FREE Access to our Private Facebook Group for constant support.

You’ll be able to connect with other email marketers just like you, share resources, and grow your network.

Plus, you’ll get WhatsApp Access to me for any questions that you have throughout the process.

If you have any problems through the 6 weeks, I’ll be on hand to assist you and get you moving again.
If you have read this far then....

Let Me Sweeten the deal for you

Here are some aDDITIONAL BONUSES just for you, if you TAKE ACTION TODAY
  • Custom Server Creation - For the absolute 100% safest option for sending your emails we’ll also be showing you how to set up your own custom server that you can add your most engaged leads to and mail them whenever you like.
When you use your own server, you’ll have more control over what you can send and more importantly YOU CAN’T GET BANNED! 

It’s YOUR SERVER, you make the rules. 
And don’t worry if you’re thinking this sounds complicated. We’ll show you...
  • The safest place to get your server from
  • A step-by-step guide in how to set everything up
  • The way to “warm your server up” ready for your leads to increase deliverability 
  • Simple but effective ways to maintain your server for the long term
  • And so much more! 

What If This Doesn’t Work For Me ?

Now, you’re probably wondering what happens if you go through all of the modules, take advantage of my coaching, and you still don’t see the results that you want.

Well, I’m going to make you a Promise Right Here.
If you implement everything that I show you in my Email Marketing Masterclass and you still don’t see an increase in your open rates, click-through rates, and inbox placement then I am more than happy to give you a full refund.

My goal here is to help you get results and I know the information that I’m sharing with you here will do that.

That’s why I’m so comfortable offering you a full refund if you don’t get results.

I know this will work for you.

But wait - there’s more!

When you join my Email Marketing Masterclass you don’t just get access to the 
6 weeks of modules and live Q & A coaching with me.

You Also Get Access To A Whole Bunch Of 


 that will make your email marketing so much easier…

Bonus #1

Access To My "Tech Wizard" 
($997 Value)

This guy is a total unicorn.

I had to hunt through hundreds of applicants before I could find a tech guy who was as incredible as this guy is.

He’s one of my ultimate secret weapons and I never normally let other people have access to him.

As a member of my Email Marketing Masterclass, you get access to him for free.

Keep in mind, if you were to hire him it would cost you thousands of dollars for a month of his work but as my student - he’s part of the package!

Bonus #2

My Top 100 Email Swipes 
($497 Value)

One of the most time-consuming parts of making an email marketing business work for you is writing emails.

I’ve taken that part of the process out of it for you by giving you access to my top 100 highest converting email swipes.

All you have to do is fill in the blanks, load it into your ESP, and blast it out to your audience.

Plus, these are proven to work with my traffic.

That means that you can be confident that these will be profitable for you.

Bonus #3

Free Premium Traffic 
($750 Value)

One of the biggest obstacles email marketers come up against is getting traffic to your offers.

I’ve taken care of that for you with this bonus…

For the First 10 People who join my email marketing masterclass,
you will get 500 FREE Clicks from the very best traffic in the business.

That is the equivalent of $750 going directly into your email marketing business.

By using the information in my Email Marketing Class and the free traffic I’m giving you here that is as good as saving yourself over half the investment of this program.

This is a no-brainer!

Bonus #4

Live Step-By-Step Set-Up Tutorial
($997 Value)

If this is something that you have never done before then this can seem like an incredibly daunting and overwhelming task.

As a student of my Email Marketing Masterclass, you will get access to step-by-step tutorials showing you exactly how to go through this process in real-time and show you how to tackle the obstacles you’ll face along the way.

The tutorials will show you exactly how we set up our bullet-proof emailing infrastructure so you can follow exactly what we do. 

This is your cheat code to avoid all the most common mistakes business owners make saving you hours and wasted capital. 

Bonus #5

Private Facebook Group & WhatsApp Access
($497 Value)

Finally, you won’t be facing any of this journey alone.

As a member of my Email Marketing Masterclass, you will get FREE Access to our Private Facebook Group for constant support.

You’ll be able to connect with other email marketers just like you, share resources, and grow your network.

Plus, you’ll get WhatsApp Access to me for any questions that you have throughout the process.

If you have any problems through the 6 weeks, I’ll be on hand to assist you and get you moving again.
If you have read this far then....

Let Me Sweeten the deal for you

Here are some aDDITIONAL BONUSES just for you, if you TAKE ACTION TODAY
  • Custom Server Creation - For the absolute 100% safest option for sending your emails we’ll also be showing you how to set up your own custom server that you can add your most engaged leads to and mail them whenever you like. 
           When you use your own server, you’ll have more control over what you can                   send and more importantly YOU CAN’T GET BANNED! 
           It’s YOUR SERVER, you make the rules. 
And don’t worry if you’re thinking this sounds complicated. We’ll show you...
  • The safest place to get your server from
  • A step-by-step guide in how to set everything up
  • The way to “warm your server up” ready for your leads to increase deliverability 
  • Simple but effective ways to maintain your server for the long term
  • And so much more! 

Here's A Recap Of


When You Purchase The "Email Marketing Masterclass" Today!

  • 6 Weeks Of Email Marketing Modules Revealing All Of My Email Marketing Secrets. (Value: $997)
  • Live Weekly Q & A Sessions To Help Guide You Through The Modules. (Value: $997)
  • ​Access To My Unicorn Tech Wizard. (Value: $1997)
  • ​My Top 100 Tried & Tested Email Swipes. (Value: $497)
  • ​Free Top Tier Traffic To Your Offers (for the first 10 people to join). (Value: $500)
  • ​Live Step-By-Step Set Up Tutorials. (Value: $997)
  • ​Membership In Our Private Facebook Mastermind. (Value: $497)
  • ​And Access To My WhatsApp For Support And Guidance. (Value: $997)

Total Value $7479  $1997 
3 Monthly Payments Of $697.

And you are 100% covered by our guarantee.

If you have implemented everything we show you but haven’t seen an improvement in your engagement then you are entitled to a full refund.

To join my Email Marketing Masterclass all you have to do is click the button below which will take you to my secure checkout page.

Once you enter your regular details and your payment clears you will receive immediate access to all of the material.
Listen, the thing is if you aren’t landing in the right inbox as an affiliate marketer then you have failed before you have even started.

You are fighting a losing battle.

We have solved this problem for you.

That’s 90% of the fight.

The other 10% is getting your emails read and having your audience take action to convert into a customer.

My Email Marketing Masterclass will show you how to do all of this.

I’m literally handing you the keys to creating a profitable, successful, automated email marketing business that will let you earn a healthy profit with very little time commitment.

If that’s something that you want, then it’s time to join my Email Marketing Masterclass.

Rock on!
Jazdeep Singh
P.S.  A lot of the gurus who are out there right now trying to sell their email marketing program will purely focus on the copy or the list.

What they never think about is getting your email delivered into the primary inbox in the first place.

With my email marketing masterclass, I’ll show you how to do it all.

Increase your open rates, get more click-throughs, AND increase your deliverability rate.
There’s no other program out there like mine.

Here's A Recap Of


When You Purchase The "Email Marketing Masterclass" Today!

  • 6 Weeks Of Email Marketing Modules Revealing All Of My Email Marketing Secrets. (Value: $997)
  • Live Weekly Q & A Sessions To Help Guide You Through The Modules. (Value: $997)
  • ​Access To My Unicorn Tech Wizard. (Value: $1997)
  • ​My Top 100 Tried & Tested Email Swipes. (Value: $497)
  • ​Free Top Tier Traffic To Your Offers (for the first 10 people to join). (Value: $500)
  • ​Live Step-By-Step Set Up Tutorials. (Value: $997)
  • ​Membership In Our Private Facebook Mastermind. (Value: $497)
  • ​And Access To My WhatsApp For Support And Guidance. (Value: $997)

Total Value $7479  $1997 
3 Monthly Payments Of $697.

And you are 100% covered by our guarantee.

If you have implemented everything we show you but haven’t seen an improvement in your engagement then you are entitled to a full refund.

To join my Email Marketing Masterclass all you have to do is click the button below which will take you to my secure checkout page.

Once you enter your regular details and your payment clears you will receive immediate access to all of the material.
Listen, the thing is if you aren’t landing in the right inbox as an affiliate marketer then you have failed before you have even started.

You are fighting a losing battle.

We have solved this problem for you.

That’s 90% of the fight.

The other 10% is getting your emails read and having your audience take action to convert into a customer.

My Email Marketing Masterclass will show you how to do all of this.

I’m literally handing you the keys to creating a profitable, successful, automated email marketing business that will let you earn a healthy profit with very little time commitment.

If that’s something that you want, then it’s time to join my Email Marketing Masterclass.

Rock on!
Jazdeep Singh
P.S.  A lot of the gurus who are out there right now trying to sell their email marketing program will purely focus on the copy or the list.

What they never think about is getting your email delivered into the primary inbox in the first place.

With my email marketing masterclass, I’ll show you how to do it all.

Increase your open rates, get more click-throughs, AND increase your deliverability rate.
There’s no other program out there like mine.
Please Choose Your Preferred Payment Plan From Below

One Time Payment of

$ 1997

3 Monthly Payments Of

$ 697

Please Choose Your Preferred Payment Plan From Below

One Time Payment of

$ 1997

3 Monthly Payments Of

$ 697